You can ask your clients to pay by credit or debit card on your quotes or invoices from Zigaflow (formerly Quikflw).
You can ask for the full amount, a percentage or a specific amount. Zigaflow will let you know its paid and allow you to track your card income.
This is done with our integration with Zigaflow doesn’t hold any credit card details or handle the transactions itself. Instead, it passes the details over to Stripe at the appropriate moment in the transaction and receives the payment results back.
Fees are 1.4% + 20p for all European cards and 2.9% + 20p for all non-European cards.
How does it work?
Zigaflow connects to to process the card payment. Zigaflow does not take the card details. You can set up payment requests on a per quote or invoice basis or on all.
What does the client see for a Quote?
Firstly, they must accept the quote online and input a digital signature. Once this is done they are given the option to make the payment amount you have requested:
You set the word(s) in the red area below to whatever you want in the quote settings page (see the later section on this).
The client will then see two screens generated by Stripe, the first one for address details:
And the second for the card details:
What does the client see for an Invoice?
This is on the online link that you will send the client. They can see the invoice and also a button to pay with a card:
You can set the word(s) in the square bracket on the invoice.
The stripe payment screens the client will see after this are the same as for the quotes, where they will enter their address and card details.
Getting Started
This section takes you through how to set up Zigaflow and Stripe so you can ask for and accept client payments by credit or debit card. You will need some details about your company in order to apply for a Stripe account.
- Select the settings cog in the top right-hand corner
- Click on Integration Settings
- Select ‘Connect with Stripe’
If you don’t have a Stripe account you can apply, providing the following details about your company to Stripe:
- Country
- A description of what you sell
- When you charge your clients
- Your website
- Business Type (Individual/ Sole Trader / Limited Company etc.)
- Company Registration Number (optional)
- VAT Number (optional)
- Business Address
- The name that will appear on your clients' bank statements
- Phone Number
- Bank Details
If you are a sole trader you will be asked your legal name, date of birth and address.
When you have set up a Stripe account you can sign-in at the top of the page. If you have set up an account with another vendor you can use this on Zigaflow (formerly Quikflw):
When you have signed in you can then connect Zigaflow to your Stripe account:
You will be taken back to the Integrations page where the ‘Connect to Strip’ logo will have been replaced with a ‘Revoke Access’ button:
Default to Asking for Payment for All Quotations
To set up payment requests for all quotes, click on the cog and then select ‘Quotation Settings’ and tick ‘Enable Stripe on newly created quotations’:
Default to Asking for Payment for All Invoices
To set up payment requests for all invoices click on the cog and then select ‘Invoice Settings’ and tick ‘Enable Stripe on newly created invoices’:
Set on Individual Quotes and Invoices
You can switch payments on or off for individual quotes and invoices, as well as setting a percentage or fixed value.
Click on the Stripe tab in the quote or invoice edit screen. This will not be visible if you have not connected to Stripe in the Integration Settings.
If the payment is not enabled for that quote or invoice click on the ‘Enable Stripe Payments’. You can now enter the payment description that the client will see and set the percentage or set value for them to pay.
Note that the Payment Description (in red below) is shown to the client on the payment page:
The payment element of the quote or invoice is now ready.
Checking Payment on the Quote or Invoice
You will be notified when a payment has been made and you can also see this on the quotations and invoices list screens. The dollar bill icon will be shown if it has been paid.
When the client has paid you will get an email if you are the quotes or invoice creator. You can see the amount and other details in the quote’s / invoice’s Stripe section:
Viewing All Payments
You can review and export all your payments in the Stripe Dashboard. To do this click on the menu item ‘Modules’ then select ‘Stripe Dashboard’.
This screen shows the split between paid, fee and net values. You can filter by client, date range and search for specific quotes or invoices and export using the button at the top right: